21th Jul 2011
Air temperature…32℃
Water temperature…28℃
Wind…south west
Dive site…[Nagura][Ohsaki]
Divers from Hong kong!
1st dive at Nagura
Visibility was not so good.
But we watched a lot of fishes.
Red spot cardinalfish(male) is breeding by his mouth.
Some spadefishes are under the rocks.
and Banded coral shrimp, Bouble coral shrimp,
Spiny porcupinefish, big octpus,etc...
2nd dive at Ohsaki
The yellow jaw fish ate small goby!
and Mr Chris took many pictures of jaw.
Then we watched Lion fish,Mantis shrimp,
Blue-striped cave goby,Purplemask Angelfish,
Anemonefish, Cornet fish,etc...
Photos by Mrs Charlotte
so,we enjoyed diving with nice weater.
Mr Chris, Miss Joyce, Mrs Charlotte,
Thank you for join us!!
We hope see you again soon!
BY Hori